On National Cybersecurity Strategy

White paper

"Cybersecurity is the full spectrum of measures designed to reduce relevant risks to an acceptable level"

Today there is a pervasive recognition of cybersecurity being an integral part of national security, affecting the proper functioning of a state in areas such as its political, social and cultural system, economic viability, and foreign and defense policy. Malicious state and non-state actors have access to a broad range of sophisticated cyber tools that can potentially disrupt the working of critical infrastructure. This can result in economic activities coming to a standstill of, undermine a country’s political system through espionage and disinformation campaigns, and violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of a state alongside the employment of kinetic weapons. Given the critical importance of cybersecurity it is thus imperative for governments to properly set out their national cybersecurity strategy. This will define their long-term vision, objectives and priority action areas, as well as roles and tasks for different stakeholders.

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